Asset investigations conducted by Introspect Investigations USA, Inc. help our clients understand the net worth/credit worthiness of the Subject of the investigation. Our asset investigations have been very useful tools for a variety of clients such as: attorneys, litigants, creditors, business owners, financial services firms and government agencies. Our Asset investigations can assist in the collection of a judgment, discovering shell companies, determining “collectability” and uncovering fraudulent business schemes and embezzlement. We have conducted asset investigations on individuals, small businesses, publicly traded corporations, religious corporations/institutions and non-profits/charities.
Introspect Investigations USA, Inc. conducts a discreet and in-depth Asset Investigation, not just a simple database search. Each investigation is unique and includes a variety of resources and techniques. Some of the items that can be included in our Asset Investigations are:
- Address history
- Aircraft/boat/recreational vehicle ownership
- Bank accounts
- Bankruptcy filings
- Brokerage accounts
- Business affiliations
- Civil litigation filings
- Corporation filings
- DBA Filings
- Intellectual property
- Investigative databases
- Judgments and Liens
- Media Search
- Motor vehicle ownership
- Neighborhood information
- On-site inspection of the Subject’s residence/business
- Place of employment
- Professional licenses
- Real property ownership including estimated value of properties
- SEC Filings
- Small Business Retirement Funds
- UCC filings
- Unclaimed funds
- Website ownership
- Any additional items that we feel are necessary to complete the asset investigation